Brad Hutton

Periodically we will spotlight a member of our team so that you may know us a little when you come in. This time it's Brad Hutton and we chose these questions just for him.

1. Hello mister Brad Hutton, please tell the folks what you do at V1 MOTO.
Service Advisor. I'm your point person in the Service Department and will assist you in getting you the right service for your ride.

2. You’ve been at V1 even before it was V1, so you’ve probably seen some crazy things go down in the service dept. Any particular story you can share with us?
That's classified haha... but I'll share one anyway. A customer brought in a bike that was dropped from a raised lift from about 6-7ft in the air! The customer was okay, but the bike took a beating! Be careful putting any vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is secure at all times!

3. To last long in a dealership, you have to be very good at what you do. What do you ascribe your longevity to?
I've been at this dealership before Carlos was here, so I would say the answer is adaptability. Carlos has come in and created a great working culture here. I feel everyone, including me, has benefitted from that. Actually, our customers are the real beneficiaries!

4. In your position, your day must run a gamut of things to do. What is your favorite part of the day, you know - what do you enjoy most?
I enjoy watching people customize their rides. Sure, aftermarket components are very similar, but it seems like each ride ends up just a little different. One project in particular that comes to mind is the all-carbon V4 one of our customers put together, it looks incredible!

The V1 MOTO Service team in full force.

5. And finally, V1 has so many different bikes, SXS and ATVs, which one represents who you are the best – and what is it about that ride that speaks to you?
Probably the hardest question of them all. From a purely aesthetic point of view, I'd have to say my favorite bikes are the naked ones. Like the brand new Streetfighter V4 Ducati just brought out! My experience tells me many people buy these bikes for the power and what better way to appreciate that power than by showing off the motor that drives it!

Brad's spirit bike is the Ducati Streetfighter V4, check out all of our Streetfighters.

Watch Sara Dean Cole's 2020 Streetfighter ride and review.